Meet the team: Tyler Shepke, Certified Food Scientist

Congratulations to Tyler Shepke in Excalibur’s Research & Development (R&D) who recently earned his accreditation as a Certified Food Scientist (CFS).
With the company since 2013, Tyler made it his goal over the past five years to become a CFS, ultimately obtaining certification earlier this month through the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT).
The CFS test is all-encompassing, challenging professional knowledge in the sciences and various manufacturing processes in the food industry. In addition to completing the exam, Tyler procured many accredited hours outside of his day-to-day assignments, along with minimum hours on the bench concentrating on development work.
“As a food scientist, Tyler is passionate about the seasonings industry,” says Marlo Mastalerz, research & development chef and director of R&D at Excalibur. “He diligently works with me to fully grasp the process of conceptualizing our products and creating them from scratch based on ideas we put on paper. Since joining our company, Tyler has honed his skillset and applied his expertise in development at Excalibur Seasoning and in the food industry as a whole.”
Excalibur supports and encourages professional development and is proud to have contributed to Tyler reaching his goals of becoming a CFS. We look forward to his continued contributions in expanding our R & D efforts.