Excalibur Holds 2nd Annual Chili Cook Off
Excalibur employees were in for a tasty treat at the company’s second annual chili cook…

Customer Spotlight – Hazekamp’s Premier Foods
We check in with Dave Hazekamp, president of Premier Foods, about Excalibur’s role in their…

Ultimate Steak & Roast Rub featured in new Meatgistics video
In the spirit of the Olympics, Excalibur best-selling and most popular product of all time,…

Excalibur Labels Debut New Look
Notice something different about a recent shipment you received from us? Our labels went through…

Excalibur Excited to Talk Flavor & Labor at 2018 Meat Conference
Make your plans now to visit the Excalibur booth (#1105) on Monday, February 26th at…

Excitement Builds for 2018
Recently, we highlighted just how much activity took place for Excalibur in 2017. And now…

Eventful 2017 Comes to a Close
As we approach the end of 2017 and the start of a new year, it…

New Stuffing Blends and Rotisserie Chicken Seasonings
Just in time for the season of Fall, Excalibur is proud to present new flavors

Excalibur Seasoning Joins North American Meat Institute
We are happy to announce that we have joined the North American Meat Institute (NAMI).

These are a Few of Our Favorite Products
During the AAMP Convention in Kentucky this year we asked a couple of our sales…